cool software for Leo CMS
CMS systems are the way to push lots of data. Content Management systems. Had a browse around several recently. Some seem to be simple to setup, others quite difficult, but have the flexibilty to grow and cope with what I'd like. Had a good look at Typo3. Looks good but quite hard to comprehend. Some good video tutorials. All went OK when setting up on the web. Didn't need root access or anything like that. I'm not sure it could do easyIndex without having some specially written modules. Eventually found that it was taking too much time. Had to look at some thing more simple.
Had another browse around and decided to have a go at a version of Nuke. A good project was to setup a site for Leo's warhammer. Chose to try CPGNuge for Leo-Cool. It was pretty good. Easy to setup, quite robust, member login, stats, voting, forums. Lots. The picture library is based around the Coppermine Photo gallery with sorting, voting etc. Quite straightforward once you get used to it. Lots of Warhammer pics on there now.