Harry Potter out this week in the US. Over $100 million takings, so it went better than most others by a long chalk. Must get out there to watch it with the kids. Must get Midnight to the same state.
Midnight has moved on, I'm part way through building the Midnight shopping website. I'll publish the link when it goes live. We are trying to have a big push with the project over the Christmas period. The graphic novel is coming out this week. Order through Diamond Distribution. Everyone seems to be giving it a chance, so let's hope we get part of the merchandising action. If we make enough, we might have some more funding for the film. The guys have produced another version of the animation. More depth to the story now, as we have enough footage to edit it correctly. The voices are still a bit amateur, but the animation is good for the amount of time we've had. Francis is due to take it down to Brighton for the UK Comic Expo. He's on the stage, talking down there and is sure to pull in a few more enthusiasts for the cause. The new DVD should be playing on the plasmas again. We've now actually got the Beyond Starlight site into the rankings. I know it's just over four millionth, but it's nice to get some recognition of the work. It can only get better now, so we should look at advertising deals for all the sites.
The easyIndex web rankings are back up thankfully. We are back in the listings after a couple of weeks missing. Strange how that happened. Putting easyindex into UK mode was a bit of an effort, but I didn't think we had let up on the push for the site. We should have been on the increase all the time, but it showed that we were under par for almost two weeks. Now that the site is UK wide, we should be able to take it back to the associations and get them on board. There are now a lot of options for us. Let's mail a few people and see what happens.
The EasyIndex cinemas page is going well with all the video previews of the movies. I shall try to put this into the Google Base pages. Google has started the pages for any information that people want to make available. These seem to cover all sorts of ideas, from sales to sermons. They say that it is not there to be competition with ebay, but the sort of items that people have already put up there seem to fit the sales idiom. Similar to Loot and the classified ads but with a myriad of both useful and useless information. Someone needs to set some standards for people to use to enter their data. It should be like the microformats in that people could format their data in a particular XML data format that everyone used for the same type of data. Data spiders could then search for and aggregate all the sources and be the provider for the main news streams. All these various feeds could be linked into the whole set of listings on the the main Google site. Not sure how it might affect the reankings, but we might as well put something in there.
You never know.